iterate over a map:
Determine production/test/development env: GrailsUtil.getEnvironment() will return 'production' 'test' or 'development'
flash.error = message(code: 'permission.error', args: [groupType]) ; permissions.error=No perm for group {0}
Find what plugins are installed:
chain(action:"search", model: ['foo': foo])
printing validation errors: if (!user.validate()) {
println it
def users = User.createCriteria().list(params) { eq("enabled", true) }
1-many: class Story { static hasMany = [comments:Comment] }
class Comment { static belongsTo = [story:Story] }
don't turn version = false unless you physically remove the version column from the table.
Pagination & filtering: def users = User.createCriteria().list(params) { eq("enabled", true) }
Using a postgres sequence: id generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'blah-id-seq']
When you get a 'pkey constraint violation' ensure that object you are inserting is not already in
HQL example: IncidentDevice has a child named incident of Type Incident
def c = IncidentDevice.createCriteria()
def result = c {
eq("", incidentId as Long)
static mapping = {
sort "fileName"
id generator:'sequence', params: [sequence:'upload_id_seq']
version false
if say a column named 'system' has to be unique within a 'incident' and 'datacenter' then
static constraints = {
Controller and service
Get the current loggedIn user in a controller or in a service
def user = authenticateService.userDomain()
Check if the user is logged in
in gsp:
in controller:
Grails -> Calling a REST service without using any Grails plugin or Groovy XMLSlurper
Add these Jar to your application lib
A lib/httpcore-4.0.1.jar
A lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar
A lib/asm-util-3.2.jar
A lib/httpclient-4.0.jar
A lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar
A lib/http-builder-0.5.0-RC3.jar
A lib/json-lib-2.3-jdk15.jar
A lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar
A lib/commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar
Then: src/groovy/com/rackspace/status/RESTUtil.groovy
Steps to convert / migrate from Jsecurity to Shiro
Steps for converting from JSecurity 3.x/ 4.x to Shiro
1. uninstall jsecurity
grails uninstall-plugin jsecurity-0.3
2. download and copy the / to your_grails_apps/plugins folder.
3. grails install-plugin ./plugins//
4. fix the broken imports in file AuthController.groovy and your-Realm.groovy, to point to org.apache.shiro instead of org.jsecurity
5. fix the strategy in Config.groovy to point to
security.shiro.authentication.strategy = new org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.AtLeastOneSuccessfulStrategy()
6. the jsec: namespace has changed to shiro: so in all you gsp files make the change.
7. In your AuthController or anywhere else change reference of jsecSecurityManager to shiroSecurityManager
8. Change all imported class names with org.jsecurity to org.apache.shiro.
9. insert into ShiroPermission (type, possibleActions) values ('org.jsecurity.grails.JsecBasicPermission', '*')
10. Use the new tags
11: your perm can not be like the GString below, you have to actually spel out the controller name and action name
certificateManager( controller: 'certificate', action: 'updatePrice' ) {
before = {
accessControl {
12: When you are putting in permission requirements in the security filter, the order of the rules does not matter. Th least restrictive rules do not have to go before the more general rules. Eg> Here the more permissive rule is placed first, yet the app behaves as expected.
certificateManager( controller: 'certificate', action: '*' ) {
before = {
accessControl {
certificateManager( controller: 'certificate', action: 'updatePrice' ) {
before = {
accessControl {